International Symposium on Digital Horticulture 2021 online event!

The conference’s aim is to bring together the latest advances in research on the Digital horticulture and to provide an opportunity for exchange information and ideas and stimulate joint research and collaboration.


-Robots in horticulture

-Image analysis

-Big data

-Data interpretation

Important dates:

  • November 20, 2021– Registration and submission of abstracts
  • November 25, 2021– Acceptance notification for authors
  • November 30, 2021– Late registrations (includes participation in a conference without presentation)

Conference Fees: Participation in the conference is free of charge.

For details regarding the conference please contact:

PhD Anta Sparinska, email:

Official language: English is the official language of the conference.

Organizers: Bulduri Horticultural School.

Project “ Autonomous robotic platform Latvijas iDārzs (Latvian i-Garden) – for a sustainable development of plant nursery sector  ” No.18-00-A012-000021 Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups (in the sense of Art 56 of Reg.1305/2013)